NA2164T Scoreboard
It shows the match time, score (for home and guest), period (yellow), time-out (red dots), individual player no. (yellow), individual player fouls (yellow / red dots), individual player score (yellow), Penalty (yellow). In the top it shows the text line / team names.
Weight | 140 kg |
Dimensions | 330 × 210 × 8 cm |
Text line/team names | 15 cm, 1×16 characters (split between home/guest) |
Team scores (199-199) | 21 cm – red |
Period (9) | 16 cm – yellow |
Game clock (99:59) | 21 cm – red |
Time out | Red dots |
Penalty (9:59) | 16 cm – yellow |
Individual player no. | 12 cm – yellow |
Individual player fouls | yellow/red dots |
Individual player score | 12 cm – yellow |
Readability (m) | 120 meter |
Power cons. (max/average) | 553/166 |
FIBA Level | Level 3 |